Friday, March 11, 2011


Sometimes something bigger than your silly problems occurs and you remember how lucky you actually are. While we pumped out our basement today, fretted over not having heat and watched the floodwater rise, this morning's news brought the bleak horrors of what was happening to the people of Japan. They were hit with a triple whammy of natural disasters today, killing countless people. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. They've gone through things in one day most will never see in their lifetime. From a tremendous earthquake, to a tsunami, the massive whirlpool just off their shore, resulting in the subsequent fires and now a nuclear scare...they are a nation in severe grief. I can't even begin to fathom what they are going through.

I took pictures of the flood and will post them after I can download them off my camera. The power of nature is a fascinating thing. It can also be a deadly thing, as I was reminded as I watched the news early this morning. May the people of Japan be comforted during this most awful time.

1 comment:

Kakunaa said...

It does rather put things into perspective, doesn't it?