Wednesday, November 16, 2011
WTF Wednesday - Bringing the Jersey Shore Home for the Holidays
Welcome to What The Fuck Wednesday, where we read about products, items and events that make your head snap around and your mouth utter "What the fuck is that?" This meme comes to you from Kristin over at the Dragondreamer's Lair.
As we enter the holiday season, thoughts turn to post-Thanksgiving activities. In my house, that means erecting the Christmas tree. Yes, erecting, because we have a fake tree. I have a horrible track record of keeping live plants...well... living. Then there's the matter of those little needles, my cats clawing the bark on the tree and....I digress.
On a stop today at Walgreens, my husband and I perused the freshly-stocked shelves of their holiday wares, one must have ornament stood out. The Jersey Shore Collection. For only $5, you too can have Pauly D, The Situation and Snooki hanging from your tree! There may be others, but those were the ones available at that particular store. The only thing that could make this palatable for me is if I can redo the hanger to act like a noose around it's neck and hang it that way. And just for your reference, they were right next to the KISS ornaments featuring Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley. Which, I have to point out, my husband bought one of each. Perhaps though, for better product placement, our Jersey Shore gems should have been placed next to the chapstick or hair products.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Yes, Internet Friends Are Real.
After yet another heartbreaking loss, Kristin was in dire need of some uplift. Pam, our other partner in crime, and I decided to pack up and visit. There wasn't really a plan, just to surround her in love and perhaps get her to laugh a little.
I was first to arrive, with my 2 and 1 year olds in tow. Divine wandered inside, whipped down her shorts, took off her diaper and crapped on the brand. new. carpet. In Kristin's Brand. New. House.
We had spoken on the phone many times, and had only met briefly once before at an ill-fated barbeque with other internet friends that can only be described as disastrous. But here she was, without missing a beat Kristin was picking up my child's shit and reassuring me that it really was okay. I thought she was just being polite. To this day, she couldn't believe I didn't believe her, and to this day I can't believe she was that cool about it.
But yeah, she really is that way.
Not many people would open their home to 4 more people for an undefined period of time like she and her family have to us after we were hit by a major flood. It's a major commitment, and they've been very gracious about it.
I know some of you have met Kristin at Blogher, maybe spoke on the phone, thru email, Twitter, what have you. We meet people from the internet, they seem cool, but you wonder what they're like in real life. I met Kristin on the internet 10 years ago. She is honest, loyal, kind, caring, and every bit the friend on the internet as she is in real life.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Commercial Break
Going Home and Leaving Again

This photo was posted on September 9th, two days after we evacuated. Notice the clothesline in the photo, it will give you an idea as to how deep the water actually is. The back door of the blue house has a set of stairs going up to it. These are my neighbors houses. My house is actually on the other side of the white house you see on the left.
My husband went up the next day, after the flood waters had receded enough and the creek was back in its banks. We had water on the first floor of our house approximately 4 inches deep. Obviously, returning home wasn't an option. At this point, 3 days in the hotel plus meals was eating through our money. A friend offered to watch our children for the day so I could go and survey the damage for myself, as well as grab what I could for myself and the children.
I don't know if it will ever be livable again.
Needless to say, there are a lot of swirling questions and not a whole lot of answers right now. The foundation looks compromised. My husband battles the mold daily and its winning. My children miss their Daddy and their things. We have to wait for FEMA and see what they say. Meanwhile my husband has to stay at that toxic dump because there is nowhere for him to go and we're out of money for the time being. He has to work, and when he's there he spends his time packing up what he can.
I would like to thank our local volunteer fire company. They stuck around during the flood for as long as they could and have been actively helping everyone in the aftermath. I would also like to Amish community who arrived en force, helping to rip out flooring and a variety of other nasty jobs my husband would otherwise have to do himself. Some others have offered hot meals, showers and laundry service. Shockingly, the Red Cross was 'too busy' in other areas to bother coming to our town. I wonder if that's much of a consolation to the people who've been out of power for the past week; a hot cup of coffee and a silly donut can go a long way even after you've just learned your house has been condemned. That's happened to two houses so far.
As for me and the kids, we are staying with friends. That's a separate post, with a much happier aura.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Evacuation/Going Home
On Wednesday I had 30 minutes to pack for 5 people in one bag and leave my house. It had been raining so hard for so long my yard was its own little lake, and the creek in front of our house hadn't even breached its banks yet.
But it was getting close.
My neighbor came down in his ATV and took the kids up to his house, while I stuffed clothes in plastic bags, then into a duffel to suffice for who-knows-how-long. I expected a day or two. It's now day 3.
It's a lot to remember, to pack all the stuff you need in such a short time. I got into the ATV and met up with the kids. We didn't know where we were going, but we had to leave. NOW.
Roads were washing out and closing all over the place. One route into our town had already been covered over by the rushing water, which left one way out. As I drove out of town, the water was rushing toward the road's edge.
We were some of the last people able to leave.
We managed to make it to a McDs, to get our bearings and get the kids some lunch. My husband managed to get a reservation out of harm's way for us, so we drove down and attempted to settle in.
The road we took to get there is now impassable too, along with many other roads around here.
We've been through a number of floods since living here, most of which the water comes into the basement, recedes and then we go on with our merry lives with just a mid-sized inconvenience. Any flood is a pain in the ass, but we never felt as though our lives were in danger. It meant hosing off our already prepared basement then washing the walls and floors with bleach so mold couldn't set in. We never had to leave our house, the kids could still have all their comforts, and we rarely lost power. And if we did, it was never for that long.
The problem is that we had become complacent.
The creek was very low, and could handle the rain that was forecast. But the forecast changed. Overnight. And we were now in that ominously darkly shaded area.
We arrived at the hotel like drowned rats and attempted to settle in. The kids were thrilled, they've always wanted to stay in a hotel and loved all the perfectly packaged little cups, soaps and shampoos. They took long baths and marveled at all the newness around them. Because it was different, you know. We called our friends and family to let them know we'd left and were okay.
My husband's work cell started ringing off the hook. The fire company was trying to get a head count, who was where and from what house. They needed to know who they needed to pull out in boats. The town had been cut off by water on both sides. There was a mandatory evacuation, to at least bring anyone left to higher ground.
The water had completely filled the basements and had started rising on the first floor. It had gone from 'no big deal' to 'record setting'. We kept a close eye on the National Water Information System website, which gauges data for waterways across the U.S. If you live near one, I strongly suggest you bookmark it.
The water levels are starting to recede, and this morning my husband decided to attempt going back to see how our house faired. I don't even know if he'll make it with all the road closures. The kids are now sick of the hotel and can't wait to go home. But even if we could, there's no point until we can ensure their safety. So I guess we remain sitting...and waiting.
Not knowing really sucks.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Divine Puberty - Video Game Edition
Divine is in the early stages of puberty. Now everything is my fault, or puberty. But mostly, it's her sister's fault. Just ask her.
Divine: Did you know that estrogen is the happy gland? And do you know why I haven't been happy since I was 7 years old? It's because you breastfed me.
Ah yes, hormones. It's like experiencing an altered state of reality.
I've come to accept that everything will be my fault for the next few years. Or probably the next decade. So I'm thinking there should be a video game about this. The pre-teen is the protagonist, with a vast variety of stages and enemies to defeat.
The first stage is in the home:
"Clean Your Room!" Attack - player is inserted into their 'room', but the walls become like a jail. In order to break free, they must blast away the mess on their floor. It's timed, and all the mess must be gone before the timer runs out. Or they have to start again.
"Naggy Younger Sibling" - Follows player around saying things like "Whatcha doin?" "Can we play?" The player is especially prone to this attack while school friends are over. In order to defeat this enemy, the player must address the sibling. A popup menu will offer a variety of phrases, like "GO AWAY!" or "I'm sorry sweetie, but I can't play right now. Can we play later?" The nice answer lowers the hit points of the sibling, nasty answers hurt the player. It takes several 'hits' to destroy this enemy.
"The Chore" - intermittently the player will be asked by 'mom' to complete a chore, such as doing dishes, mowing the grass or taking out the garbage. The faster the player addresses it, the less there will be. The dishes or garbage bags multiply the longer they fail to do it. "Reminders" pop up until it's done, and the player can't leave the premises until 'the chore' is completed. The longer they wait, the more constant the reminders. This could earn them an allowance to spend in another part of the game. The faster they do it, the more money they can make.
"Homework" - occasionally the player will have to do 'homework' (in game it will be little and goofy). Failure to do so will result in being sent to a tutor, who will give the player game tips.
Because this is a video game, there has to be fun elements to it. One is through mini games on the video game console in the living room. The player can choose between many 'titles'. Intermittently, various things can happen, like "do your homework", (player has to stop to do something like scribble on a paper), or the naggy younger sibling takes over the TV by changing the station to a little kid show. Then the player has to resort to the pop-up response screen for naggy younger sibling. Or the doorbell can ring and friends will come over and play sports or something.
I'm thinking about adding a 'School' level. What would you add to your pre-teen's game?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Don't even THINK about looking at this without your Kleenex.
Monday, August 15, 2011
It's all her fault, she made me do it.
Divine has been on my case about not blogging in awhile. I think it's because she likes to read about herself, and somehow it's like peering into mommy's diary. Except it's not hidden in a nondescript drawer somewhere, but blatantly on the internet. Which, you would think, would take that whole 'peering' part out of it. As I type, she sits at the screen staring repeating every word I write. I wish she paid that much attention when I was actually speaking to her, like when I'm giving directions.
*Lightbulb pops*
Divine, go clean your room!
(Laughter, followed by crickets.)
Divine will probably be a future blogger. She's the one who waits until everyone is in bed, turns on her light, then writes all night. She has reams of stories and diary entries she keeps in her little Password Journal she begged me for a few years ago. See, she *thinks* I don't know. But staying in bed until 10 the next morning kinda gives her away. What I see though, is a budding writer. All the pencils down to the nubs hidden under her mattress testify to her need for expression. THAT is awesome.
What Divine doesn't realize is that as much as I love writing, time is a finite thing. When I enrolled my children in cyber school, I also became their teacher. Their education means more to me than anything in the world. My house may suffer, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I stand in the way of any doors of opportunity for their future. But Divine has taught me something precious...that I needed her to give me a swift kick in the ass to realize that blogging also sets an example, that life isn't just about them. There's a world outside of these walls they need to function in, that won't cater to their every need. There is also a need for some self-expression and fulfillment. So today I promised Divine I'd write a post. She smiled so wide I saw her molars.
Divine was recently diagnosed as ADHD. We started therapy last month, and it has really helped her with a lot of issues. One of them is valuing herself as an individual. Perhaps one of the best ways to do that is exemplify it.
Friday, March 11, 2011
I took pictures of the flood and will post them after I can download them off my camera. The power of nature is a fascinating thing. It can also be a deadly thing, as I was reminded as I watched the news early this morning. May the people of Japan be comforted during this most awful time.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A River Runs Through It (aka The Saga of My Basement)
Here's our movie list. Wanna come over and hang out?
1. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
2. A River Runs Through It (the story of my basement)
3. Titanic
4. 2012
5. The Poseidon Adventure
6. Watership Down
7. Dickey Moe - Remember this Tom & Jerry classic? My favorite part is when the harpoon rope wraps around the whale with Tom attached.
8. Jaws
9. A few episodes of River Monsters
The Fire Department was just by to inform us that the fire house will be staffed all night if we need to evacuate. Since that's right behind my house (and up the hill), I should still be able to catch my connection if the power is still on. Maybe I'll stream (buh-dum-dum) some movies off my Netflix account up there. Because everybody needs uplifting television, right?
I'll post some pics of the aftermath.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
She's Got Brass Balls
The first recipient is this post on Band Back Together titled "That Which is Left Behind, That Which Must be Said" by Guilty Squid. In her post she discusses the devastating loss of father's suicide, the isolation she felt because of it, and the taboo nature of suicide:
"Suicide is a topic that no one wants to be connected to. People don’t want to talk about it. They can’t hear about it. They don’t want to comfort you because they don’t know how. It’s not something that they want to believe can happen to you. They don’t know what to say. They don’t have the answers either, and that makes it difficult for them."Honest and raw, Guilty Squid confronts her past and a subject very few will discuss. I encourage you to read the post in its entirety, as the point was to not only help others who have been in this situation, but to encourage those who may be on the brink to get help.
Guilty Squid, this award is given to you for the touching, honest and helpful way your piece was written. May it help others the way you intended.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Steeler Nation
Truth be told, we'd made 6 recipes for the class. I was dead tired.
For those who don't follow sports, it's NFL football playoffs. We're a Steeler house, which means my husband and Little Man were glued to the TV. After I'd finished the mountain of dishes strewn about my kitchen, I flopped into my chair in the living room. As is par for the course, Little T runs in seconds after my ass hits the cushion.
"Mom, can we have dessert?"
I told her to give me a few minutes. Steelers score a touchdown. A few plays later, they score again. Tie game. Awesome.
My husband pops up to get dessert for the kids. I get up to help him and he booms,
He must've noted the confused look on my face.
"DON'T MOVE!! I'll get the kids dessert."
He's all emphatic about it too, pointing to my chair with authority and all that. Wow, it's nice to have someone step in to help out after you've had a hard day! Insisting I take a break? Cool! I know how much watching the Steelers in a playoff game means to him, so this must say a lot about how much he cares about me, right?
"The Steelers have been playing like shit the entire first half of the game. You sit down and they start winning. YOU CAN'T MOVE UNTIL THE GAME IS OVER!!!" (Arms waving, pointing to chair, arms waving some more.)
You take it where you can get it, right? The Steelers won too. Maybe I'll start bargaining for what I can get out of next week's game.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Luma/Patrick Star Cake
But anyway.
One of our favorite games in our house is Mario Galaxy, so I decided a Luma would be perfect for our little star. Lumas are little 'baby stars' with cute little pot bellies. It was surprisingly easy, and the template can double for use as Patrick Star from Spongebob Squarepants. But (SHHHH!) don't tell my son because that's the cake he's getting for his birthday. He just doesn't know it yet.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Dysfunctional Jeans
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Brass Balls and Brass Tacks
For some writing comes very easy. They can entertain with their vignettes of playfully strung words. For others it's a difficult process as they agonize over topics and word choices. It takes brass balls to put yourself out there in any creative outlet, but in blogging we put our lives on display with every post.
That being said, before BlogHer last year I had this idea for a Brass Balls award. I bounced it off of Kristin, and the ideas just sprung to life. Bouncing back and forth we came up with a plan. Happily, that plan is about to come to fruition.
The Brass Balls Award itself had to have merit. Not just a pair of friends choosing from on high. We attempted to create a system to it. To achieve this, we enlisted the help of Aunt Becky from Mommy Wants Vodka to figure out how to get this off the ground right. Kristin and I decided it needed a physical award too...a momento that recognizes, in its small way, that their courageous contribution was appreciated. So I collected some supplies and placed them into Kristin's magically crafty hands.
The recipient had to be an exemplary post that took an amazing amount of guts to not only type out but put out there for the world to see. As bloggers we virtually meet a lot of you through your blogs and comments; we travel with you through your trials and leap with you in your joys. But you can feel it when someone has really gone the distance and emotionally trudged themselves out. It took a set of brass balls to post expose and share something about their life that's so close in such a bare and raw way. There are plenty of people looking for attention through drama...but you can sense real from a mile off.
This realness is what I think draws people to blogging. Real people discussing real life. We paint pictures with words...but it's the brass tacks that hold the canvas in place before the pretty frame hides it and hangs it on the wall. Soon we'll be revealing the first recipient and unveiling the prize we've created to go along with it.
Caffeine Addict
Anyway, this week my husband has been back to work. This means he gets up obnoxiously early, like around 4 in the morning. So when Divine was moping around looking for something to do, I asked her if she wanted to make a pot of decaf. I explicitly told her it was in the green container. She got all excited and skipped into the kitchen.
You think you know where this is going, don't you? Oh no, it couldn't be that simple. It's far worse than that.
Kristin from Dragondreamer's Lair sent me a link a few weeks ago for Kahlua-Espresso Chocolate Chip Cookies. You seriously need to check out this link...don't they look scrumptious? I combed two food stores for the Espresso powder needed to make them. I found a small jar tucked away on some unrelated shelf at the grocery store (NOT in the coffee section, where one would think it would be). I bought a small jar and put it on the very top shelf of the cabinet. Like one shelf higher than my regular cans of coffee are, as in, children would require a tall chair or ladder to reach it.
So I went in to pour my husband and I a cup of Divine's coffee. She was sitting at the table, beaming with pride as she announced that she used the special coffee called espresso. An 'oh shit' look poured over me as I peeked under the coffee maker lid in horror to see that it was indeed empty. (Espresso powder is instant granules). Judging by the jar, she used about 1/3 cup.
Oh yeah, we're wired.
And while I could have dumped the whole thing out and remade a pot of decaf, Divine would have been crushed. She saw look on my face and launched into apologies. She thought she was doing this really cool thing. She had no clue that Espresso was a fancy term for 'you'll be up all night' in a 12 cup pot.
Divine's mission is to revamp herself this year, and criticizes herself harshly. She was so disappointed when what she thought was so cool actually wasn't. Really it was just a learning bump in the road, and the last thing we wanted to do was crush her enthusiasm.
So we drank it.
With darting eyeballs, I can say that it tasted pretty good. Divine judged the amount perfectly.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Year's Resolutions
Today they decided to try their hand at creating lyrics. They found a tune on one of their video games and created and started singing.
"It's complicated, Global Warming...
"It's something big...very confusing"
Those were the only lyrics, sung over and over again. The precious part? The tune they were singing to was called 'Cold Wind'.
Ah yes...since it's the time to write out those resolutions, this might be a good time for it:
- So obviously my first New Year's resolution is to teach my kids to write lyrics about things they understand.
- After two years, I'll finish stitching Tree of Life. I'm motivated because there's another piece I wanted to start but promised myself I wouldn't until I finished this one.
- I'll pay more attention to the Clutter Queen. I've always wanted to spruce this little piece of online real estate...improve the design to something that's more 'me'. And certainly something more interesting. I'm striving for more time to actually write; because while the desire is there, the time usually isn't.